GM House

MM Galleri, the Stone Specialist, showcases innovative design to the natural beauty of marble using various cutting-edge techniques such as bending marble.

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GM House is a private residential and one of the biggest residential for MM Galleri. The mansion has a massive size of ± 6,445.54 sqm and designs by Nur Ramandhani. 

The house follows a Victorian classical and luxurious design that is recognizable from the exterior. The house design did not hold back on luxury. Upon entering, the massive pool of the house is the first feature. The further end of the pool is the entrance to the house that shows a huge door and two staircases to the house. The steps were furnished with black and gold Portoro Donatella marble. The material was also used to furnish the balcony of the second level. The colour black with the golden veining of the marble definitely shows the grandness of the house.

The interior design of the house continues to embody the Victorian classical and luxurious design with a cream and white color mix. The floor of the house was furnished with Serpegiante Zeta N marble and the stair was furnished with a combination of marbles including Stella Cream and Nero Marquina.

Project Information:

  • Quantity/Size:

    ± 6,445.54 sqm

  • Architect:

    Nur Ramandhani

  • Location:

    Kebonsari, Jambangan, Surabaya, East Java 60232

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